Table of contents

Running an assembly

Refer the quick start guide to download an executable or build one from the source code.

Selecting assembly options

You can invoke the Shasta executable without options or with --help to get a description of the options. A list of available options can also be found here.

The only mandatory options is --input which must be used to specify the input FASTA or FASTQ files containing reads to be used for the assembly. If there is more than one file, the names should be specified separated by white space, entering --input only once, like this:

--input a.fasta b.fasta c.fasta

The Shasta assembly process is controlled by many parameters whose values can be specified by using command line options or a configuration file. Configuration files for some common situations are provided in shasta/conf or shasta-install/conf (download a tar file from a Shasta release if you don't have access to these directories). Creating options for a new type of data or genome can require some work, experimentation, and some knowledge of Shasta computational methods. If you are unable to get a satisfactory assembly for your data, feel free to file an issue in the Shasta GitHub repository and we will help. You can also use an experimental script,, that will help you create a starting configuration file. This script is available in shasta/scripts or shasta-install/bin (download a tar file from a Shasta release if you don't have access to these directories).

There is also another experimental script,, that can be used after an assembly is complete to assess some (limited) aspects of assembly quality. If you decide to file an issue on the Shasta GitHub repository, including the output of this script would be helpful.

Memory requirements

For best performance, the Shasta assembler uses a single large machine rather than a cluster of smaller machines, and operates in memory, with no access to data on disk except during initial input of the reads, final output of the assembly, and for small output files containing summary assembly information. As a result, for optimal performance, Shasta memory requirements are higher than comparable tools that keep some or most of their data on disk.

Memory requirements for optimal performance are roughly proportional to genome size and coverage, and are around 4 to 6 bytes per input base. This only counts input bases that are used in the assembly - that is, excluding reads that were discarded because they were too short or for other reasons. For a human size genome (≈3 Gb) at coverage 60x, this works out to around 1 TB of memory.

Machine with 1 to 4 TB of memory have become available at reasonable prices in the last few years, and they are widely available on cloud computing platforms. For example, for human assemblies using Shasta, we have routinely been using AWS x1.32xlarge instances with 1952 TB of memory and 128 virtual processors (64 cores with hyperthreading). These machines are available at around $13/hour as on demand instances and they complete a typical human assembly at coverage 60x in about 4 hours, at a compute cost around $50 per assembly, much lower than current sequencing costs to produce the input reads. Much lower prices (2x to 3x lower) are also available for reserved instances and on the AWS spot market, which means that a production facility could achieve a compute cost around $20 per genome.

Running with less than optimal memory

Shasta also supports a mode of operation with data structures physically on disk or other storage system, mapped to virtual memory. In this mode of operation, the operating system dynamically moves pages to disk from memory and back as needed, which can result in a huge performance penalty. For this reason, this mode of operation is not suggested, except in the following conditions:

Under these conditions, this mode of operation can be selected using the following Shasta command line options:
--memoryMode filesystem --memoryBacking disk

See the next section for more information on these options. In addition to specifying these options, make sure the assembly directory (command line option --assemblyDirectory) is on a filesystem backed by the storage type (SSD or NVMe) you want to use. If you are using a local or departmental machine, it is likely that a filesystem is already mounted on that storage. If you are using an AWS instance, you can used the directions here and here to make your SSD or NVMe storage accessible.

To illustrate the effect of using less than optimal memory, the table below summarizes benchmark results for a human assembly at coverage 45x. This assembly requires about 650 GB to run in memory - see the first row in the table. The remaining rows show alternative scenarios on machines with less memory. These data show that Shasta still runs in reasonable amounts of time with less than optimal memory, as long as NVMe or SSD storage is available. Note the competitive assembly time and AWS cost of the ARM Graviton2 assembly. Some notes on the table:

Architecture Virtual
Data location Elapsed
AWS benchmark information
Data location Hourly
cost ($)
cost ($)
Intel Skylake-SP 96 768 Memory (2 MB pages) 2.5 r5.24xlarge Memory (2 MB pages) 6.05 15.12
Intel Skylake-SP 96 384 NVMe 4.5 m5d.24xlarge Local NVMe volume 5.42 24.51
Intel Skylake-SP 96 384 SSD 8.0 m5.24xlarge EBS gp2 volume 4.61 36.82
Intel Skylake-SP 96 384 Disk Too slow m5.24xlarge EBS st1 volume
Intel Skylake-SP 48 192 NVMe 6.6 m5d.12xlarge Local NVMe volume 2.71 18.00
ARM Graviton2 48 384 NVMe 4.1 r6gd.12xlarge Local NVMe volume 2.76 11.39

Memory modes

(This section does not apply to macOS).

For performance, the Shasta executable operates in memory, with no access to data on disk except during initial input of the reads, final output of the assembly, and for small output files containing summary assembly information. All large memory areas are allocated using mmap calls in one of several different modes of operation described below. The choice of the optimal mode of operation is dependent on many factors and decribed below. The default mode of operation works reasonably well in most cases and does not require root privilege. However, it does not deliver the best possible performance.

The memory modes are controlled by two command line options:

There are a total six possible combinations of these two options, summarized in the table below.

--memoryBacking disk Not allowed Memory allocated by mmap uses 4 KB pages on a the filesystem on disk that the run output directory is in. This mode of operation can incur severe performance degradation and is therefore not generally suggested. After the run terminates, binary data are permanently available on disk and you can use the http server or the Python API to inspect assembly results.
The default option. Memory allocated by mmap uses anonymous 4 KB pages. After the run terminates, binary data are destroyed, which means you cannot use the http server or the Python API to inspect assembly results. Performance is less than optimal (typically 30% degradation on a large run). Memory allocated by mmap uses 4 KB pages on a tmpfs filesystem which is created and mounted on the Data directory under the run output directory. After the run terminates, binary data are available (until the next reboot) and you can use the http server or the Python API to inspect assembly results. Performance is less than optimal. When done using the binary data, you can free the memory using the following command: shasta --command cleanupBinaryData.
2M Memory allocated by mmap uses anonymous 2 MB pages. After the run terminates, binary data are destroyed, which means you cannot use the http server or the Python API to inspect assembly results. Performance is less than optimal (typically 30% degradation on a large run). Memory allocated by mmap uses 2 MB pages on a hugetlbfs filesystem which is created and mounted on the Data directory under the run output directory. After the run terminates, binary data are available (until the next reboot) and you can use the http server or the Python API to inspect assembly results. This mode of operation delivers optimal performance. When done using the binary data, you can free the memory using the following command: shasta --command cleanupBinaryData.
The table is color coded with the following meaning:
This combination is not allowed.
This combination requires root privilege to be acquired via sudo. Depending on sudo settings, this may fail or ask for a user password.
This combination is allowed and does not require root privilege.

In summary:

See here for interactive help to select these options.

Scripted approaches to running an assembly

The Shasta assembler provides a Python API that can be used for scripting. This makes it possible to write Python scripts to run assemblies that have more flexibility or functionality than allowed by the Shasta executable. For example, these scripts allow rerunning only a portion of an assembly, which can be useful for development of new assembly functionality.

These scripts use a Python import to import the Shasta shared library,, which provides Python bindings to Shasta functionality. The scripts and the library are in shasta-install/bin, but they will normally not be needed during basic operation of the Shasta assembler. They are more likely to be needed for debugging, testing, or development.

The Python API also allows you to write your own assembly scripts. For such a script to work, and under the assumption that the script is not located at shasta-install/bin, it will be necessary to set environment variable PYTHONPATH to (actual path)/shasta-install/bin, so the Python interpreter can locate the Shasta shared library during import.

Input files

The Shasta assembler uses as input one or more files containing reads in one of the supported formats listed below. Shasta uses the file extension to deduce the file format, as described below.

Input from compressed files is not supported. if your input files are compressed, you have to decompress them first using the appropriate decompression utilities.

Any reads shorter than Reads.minReadLength bases (default 10000) present in the input files are discarded on input. Reads that contain bases with repeat counts greater than 255 are also discarded. This is a consequence of the fact that repeat counts are stored using one byte, and therefore there would be no way to store such reads. Reads with such long repeat counts are extremely rare, however, and when they occur they are of suspicious quality.

Output files

The Shasta executable creates output in a directory with a name specified by the --assemblyDirectory option (default ShastaRun). The directory is created automatically at the beginning of the run. The run stops if the directory already exists. This reduces the possibility of unwanted deletion of data.

Contents of the output directory after a successful run include the following:

Running an assembly using Docker

It is also possible to run Shasta using Docker. This provides additional portability and flexibility, as well as the ability to incorporate Shasta into workflows and computational pipelines. See here for more information.

Dealing with errors

Table of contents